Covid-19 dan Paradoks Homo Deus

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Homo Deus


Dan Vergano, (2014). “1918 Flu Pandemic That Killed 50 Million Originated in China, Historian Say”, National Geographic. (


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Juditha Wojcik dan Sebastian Vollmer, (2017). “The long-term consequences of the global influenza pandemic: A system analysis of 117 IPUMS international census data sets” Working Paper Series, Program on The Global Demography of Aging At Harvard University, 2017.

Howard, Phillips, (2014), “Influenza Pandemic,” International Encyclopedia of the First World War, last updated, 08 Oktober 2014. (

 J. Rufus Fears, (2004), “The plague under Marcus Aurelius and the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, Elsevier, Saunders, Inc, 2004).

DesOrmeaus, Louise, Anna, (2007), “The Black Death and its effect on fourteenth and fifteenth-century art”. Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College.

Ole J. Benedictow, (2005), “The Black Death: The Greatest Catastrophe Ever” 2005, “History Today, Volume 55 Issue 3 March, 2005”.

Charles River Editors, (2020). “The Antonine Plague: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Roman Empire’s Worst Pandemic, Published by Charles River Editor.

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Christopher Muscato, (2020). “The Antonine Plague: History, Start, Spread & Facts,

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